Exploring The Response To Child Abuse And Neglect In Primary Care Settings
Jacqueline has completed a PhD at the University of Melbourne. Her greatest passion is improving children’s health and well-being.
She completed a Bachelor of Biomedicine at the University of Melbourne in 2017, which included an Honours year researching child abuse in 2017. She completed her PhD in November 2023 and has published three papers from her PhD on the response to child abuse in Australian primary care. She has used these findings to write training modules for general practice staff and was a co-author of the Child Abuse and Neglect chapter in the Royal Australia College of General Practitioners’ White Book.
She is currently an Early Career Researcher on projects focused on child sexual abuse and harmful sexual behaviour.
Jacqueline is also an Australian Rotary Health PhD Scholarship recipient.
M.C.: Angela Taft
Photo Credit: Australian Rotary Health