Sir John Monash - Australia’s National Possession

Michael is a foundation student of Monash University and chairs the alumni group The Monash Pioneers comprising students from the first five years 1961-65. In 2022 he was made a Fellow of the University.
His professional life included the cofounding of the Australian Centre for Retail Studies at the David Syme Business School at Monash University and from 1995 - 2014 Managing Director of Retail Synergy Group Pty Ltd.
In 2013 he initiated the Sir John Monash Sculptural Project at Monash University and chaired the Project Board. The statue by Peter Corlett OAM was unveiled by the then Governor of Victoria the Honourable Alex Chernov AC QC in April 2015.
In 2016 former Deputy Prime Minister the Hon. Tim Fischer AC asked Michael to join the newly formed Saluting Monash Council as the Victorian Director with the objective to obtain an honorary rank of field marshal for Sir John Monash.
Michael is a former member of Military History and Heritage Victoria and is currently a member of The Spirit of Australia Foundation, an Affiliate Member of Box Hill RSL Sub- Branch and recognized authority on Sir John Monash.
M.C. Ian Bentley
Photo Credit: Australian War Memorial, ART 02986