Ride for Rotary, Trip to India, At Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club

In January of 2024, Mark participated in the Ride for Rotary motorcycle ride in India. It was the 8th such event run by Rotary District 3181 and in total has generated US 150k for ARH.
46 participants (most on 350cc Royal Enfield motorcycles) from 14 different countries rode from Udaipur in the NW down to Goa in the SW. A fantastic experience with motorcycling, dodging of tuk tuks, warm rotary hosting, fellowship with other participants and some real cultural engagement.
Mark, current president of Glenferrie club, has ridden motorcycles since the age of 10 when he bought for $10 a scooter from a mate who had given up getting it going. Other motorcycling adventures included rides in the USA and Mongolia.
M.C.: Noel Halford
Photo Credit: Fazail Ahmad via Pexels