1The Early Birds  Our cameraman caught the pending conference attendees from Hawthorn practicing or maybe building up an alcohol tolerance  for the their efforts over the conference.    The event at Lexus in Blackburn -one of the sponsors- was obviously highly pleasant. 







2. Packing the Bags at Auburn Bowls on 6 March 

Remember that helpers are needed to fill the conference bags with the various materials.   The activity is planned for 6 March at Auburns Bowls.  Should be good fun and fellowship albeit not to the sublime level or formality of the above Early Bird Event.

3. Conference Attendees WorkForce at Albury 

The first burst of  serious "volunteer" effort starts at about 1.30pm on the Thursday before when the Registration desks starts operating.    Subsequent efforts in the next days will see the need for crowd controllers, drivers and general pre session helpers.  A Roster List is being developed by David Owen to cater for the various focussed activities under team leaders.