The next District RYPEN weekend camp is on Oct 26-28 at Camp Weekaway, via Lancefield.  The Club plans to sponsor a student and will be investigating possibilites in the next couple of weeks.  

The flyer notes that :- The students selected for this camp will be participating in various group activities, as well as working with other students throughout the weekend. All students participating in this RYPEN camp are encouraged to get involved by having a go at the activities planned for the weekend and by giving their input and feedback.

The program is designed to help students aged 15 to 17 achieve their full potential. The camp, which runs from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon, is led by Rotaract members aged 18-30. The camp is hosted by Rotary, with members of Rotary in attendance.

RYPEN benefits from having a diverse range of participants and Rotary strongly encourages involvement from students of all backgrounds and levels of ability. Students carry out selfevaluation and are encouraged to apply the things they have learned to their own lives and experience, so a diversity of students is always sought.
