At Malcolm’s funeral we heard many lovely, loving stories about his life.  Many of them reflected the sharpness of his mind and his repartee.  (One example:  “You don’t have email, do you Malcolm?”  “No, I’m still trying to find a female!”

This bulletin doesn’t have the capacity for full obituaries.  But I encourage anyone who wants to add their own recollections about Malcolm to send them to me (as acting editor) for inclusion in next week’s bulletin.  In the meantime here is a snippet about how I remember him.

Sometimes, in his last few tortuous years under the yoke of Parkinson’s Disease, I would drive him to Rotary lunch.  Speaking was a huge effort, and he obviously realised that he had to make every word count.  And some of his comments, albeit brief and difficult to understand, revealed a mischievous mind, still active, and still wanting to participate.  I found his determination to keep on keeping on really impressive.