
Brian Negus, the General Manager Public Policy for RACV, was formerly the Deputy Director of Public Transport with the Victorian Department of Transport. Previously he was Metropolitan Regional Director with VicRoads. He holds qualifications in Civil Engineering, Transport and Traffic Engineering. At RACV, he is accountable for research and formulating policies and initiatives addressing road operational and public transport issues, road safety, road use management, safer vehicles, road user behaviour, driver education and training and environmental issues in the transport sector.

The Automobile Club of Victoria was founded in 1903, and it held its first car rally at Aspendale Park Racecourse in 1904. In 1916, it received the approval of His Majesty the King to prefix the title "Royal" to its name. Today it is a growing, thriving and diverse business with divisions handling Membership, Roadside Service, Clubs and Resorts, Insurance, Community Support and Public Policy and Advocacy. Its 2.02 million members are provided with excellent and rapid roadside service when they need it and inspection of vehicles when they are buying. Benefits for long service are built into insurance and other features of the organisation.

One of the areas to benefit members for long service, is the Insurance division that operates through IAG that has a 70% shareholding in Insurance Manufacturers of Australia Limited with the other 30% being held by RACV. RACV then sells insurance under the RACV’s name. It is lucrative with minimum organisational effort.

Clubs and resorts are the main area of further diversification with the main Club in the CBD joined by resorts in Healsville, Cape Schanck, Cobram and Inverloch in Victoria. In Queensland the Royal Pines Resort and Golf Course (that was bought for a relative song) and Noosa, are also open to RACQ members. All resorts have high grade accommodation and access to swimming, golf tennis and other recreations. The CBD Club still provides 40% of the turnover of the Club but the large number of resorts provide a great variety of choice for members.

Community support is provided through various community sponsorships and involving schools and education, operating as the RACV Community Foundation. One of its better known recent involvements is its entry into a five-year sponsorship with Zoos Victoria to support the Australian Wildlife Centre at Healesville Sanctuary.

Public Policy and Advocacy involves the organisation with government at all levels and the public at large. In the environment, it is working with manufacturers and government in relation to fuel emission, fuel alternatives and all modes of present and future modes of transport.

As well as having plans and pursuing them with government for the future accommodation of car traffic and other means of transport and growing road needs involving new roads, by-passes and tunnels, it is also advocating use of mass transport and the replacement of level crossings.

Driver behaviour and training at all ages, starting in schools is another initiative to which it is giving full attention.

In his address to the Rotary Club of Hawthorn Brian convinced members of the growing diversity and efficiency of the business that many may have mostly associated with roadside service, and of the vigour and social conscience that RACV is handling its charter of service to the motoring public.