ImageTop Ranking Sixth Birthday Noel McInnes and much of his extended clan will soon be winging their way to Hamilton Island.  The Shadow understands that the occasion is a birthday party for a 6 year old grandchild.  What will they do for an 18th or even a 21st?

Indigenous Takeover at AFL, via RC Hawthorn? Our much-applauded website told us that the speaker this week was to be Andrew Dillon, talking about “AFL Report of the 2012 Season”.  However, the speaker was actually Chris Johnson, talking about various AFL programs to promote indigenous players into the AFL teams and beyond.

The Shadow understands that Andrew Dillon is a lawyer on the staff of the AFL.  And he was a guest of Bill Troedel at our lunch. (The fact that he’s a neighbour of Bill & Prue Troedel is immaterial at this point.) 

So the question that occurs to The Shadow is “What was Andrew Dillon doing at the lunch?  Simply having a good time?  Or checking that Chris Johnston did not deviate from AFL dogma?  Or standing by, ready to pounce on anyone who might ask Chris a difficult question?  Fortunately, as far as The Shadow can ascertain, no legal action was required.

And so we hope that both Chris and Andrew enjoyed their visit to our club!

Ian Cathels: Progress in Mobility
Ian Cathels had an accident a few weeks ago, and our sympathies are with him.  He was coming to our lunches with the aid of a walking frame – parked near his lunch table.  Now, The Shadow notices, he leaves the walking frame at the front door of the Kooyong club house, and progresses to the table with the aid of only a walking stick.  Even such small bits of good news are to surely to be cherished; and we look forward to Ian making a full recovery before too very long!


The Shadow