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"Un-rushed Rush Cooking-Rush"

David and Sue Rush haven’t been around for a while.  They’ve been on a special trip to Europe: Sue, when buying a frypan last February, entered a competition – and won!  (Yes, The Shadow is glad to find that somebody actually does win that sort of competition!)  The Shadow understands that the prize comprised: a trip to UK; eating at all Jamie Oliver’s restaurants; attending two cooking lessons; and meeting Jamie O himself.  Proof above! So they added on a biking holiday in France, and a tour of the WW1 battlefields. Now they’re back, and still waiting to move into their new Camberwell apartment

"Leveraging Your Rotary Experience”
Occasionally, even The Shadow reads the Rotary Down Under magazine that arrives by snail mail – is it every month? - with all Rotary members.  And in the August edition, there is an article by our very own Richard Groom.  The topic?  Well, cricket, of course.  And The Shadow says “why not?” No doubt Richard was also pleased when the D9800 email publication “Networker” re-printed his article.   Congratulations, Richard!

"Trivia Contest" 
The Shadow noted that the competitive juices were flowing strongly last meeting where Richard Groom conducted a great session ( thanks Richard).   Overhead a disgruntled loser pointing out that the Second World War ended on 15 August when Japan surrendered and that Clement Attlee was voted in as Prime Minister to the UK on 23rd May 1945 thus putting Winston Churchill on the back bench at the end of that war.    Such slips are the Bain...... of a quiz master's life--hope the sergeant community was out of earshot!