Timor-Leste Rural Schools And Families
Aug 05, 2014
Leopoldina Gurterres, St Joseph's H.S. Baguia
Timor-Leste Rural Schools And Families

Mrs Leopoldina Guterres

Leopoldina is the Director of St Joseph’s High School and 7 Primary Schools in the Baguia Sub-District. She is the mother of 6 children. She is a highly respected and a driving force in her community and often the organiser for formal community events and receptions. Her charming personality and multi-linguistic skills with Tetun, Portugese and English, make her first choice as MC in Baguia for many occasions, including President Xanana Gusmao’s visits. Despite the patriarchal society of her rural community in Baguia, Leopoldina is a leading role model of what women can achieve.

Since 2005, Leopoldina has been the key liaison person whom Friends of Baguia have relied on to provide advice and manage their community projects. This is her third visit to Australia and today she will talk about the needs of schools and women in remote rural communities in Timor-Leste. She knows about the many difficulties of rural life first-hand. For example Baguia’s public transport to Baucau - due to the almost impassable roads - means standing in the back of a truck for 3 hours!

Chair: Richard Logan