
Via Zoom

Staying safe from Scams, Cybercrime and Identity theft 

Darren Park - CEO, Pathfinders Consulting and Technology

Note - Change of speaker but the same topic.


On a regular basis, we see media reports of malicious cyber incidents across the world.  Although companies and government agencies are often targeted due to the value of their data or resources, individuals may also be subjected to attack.

Recent intrusions into high-profile organisations demonstrate that such activity is relentless and can cause widespread damage and stress.  The breaches at Optus and Medibank Private impacted 10 million and 3.9 million people, respectively.


Over the years, the methods employed by perpetrators have become more sophisticated.  The old-fashioned scams to generate money have been eclipsed by newer (and often easier) methods, such as: loading malicious software, hacking email accounts and “phishing” with bogus emails, messages and calls.


This talk will be delivered by Darren Park, a Forensic accountant, Solicitor and Forensic technology consultant.  He is founder and CEO of Pathfinders Consulting and Technology, a forensic firm that helps clients resolve a variety of legal and commercial challenges.  He has over 25 years’ experience in the prevention, detection and investigation of fraud and other misconduct nationally and overseas. 


Darren will share a number of practical insights into current and emerging cyber and identity theft dangers, plus provide practical steps on how to guard against them.


To register your attendance on Trybooking click on the following hyperlink
All bookings will need to be made by 10.00 am Tuesday morning, as after 10.00 am a further email will be sent via Trybooking to each registrant with the link to join this Zoom event
The speaker has requested that there be no recording of his presentation, which includes taking screenshots