The Week Ahead

4 February 2025

Greetings! I would like to thank Susie Anderson for inviting Pete Smith OAM as our Guest Speaker this week. What a treat!
I so appreciate members' recommendations and support in the daily operations of Rotary Hawthorn. Thanks Susie.
What a fantastic start to 2025 with a full house of members and guests. Thank you to you all. Having so many of you at our lunch meetings creates such a buzz and gladdens my heart!
We have some wonderful events and speakers lined up for you this year. Watch out for our contribution to a membership drive when we ask you to please Bring a Guest – grandchild, child, friend, or foe – all will be welcome. We shall have a 'Believe It or Not!' instead of a guest speaker.  Much fun and games for all. 

February is Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention Month

My quote for the week:  'Anyone can get a life. Anyone can lose it. But who will dare to inhabit the thing … and use it?'
Thanks to Michael Leunig, RIP.               

NEXT WEEK – 11 February - no meeting 

NEXT MEETING – 18 February at Kooyong - Nello Ragusa 

TOPIC: Hopes and Dreams Water Initiative in Zambia
Nello Ragusa was deeply moved with compassion after watching video footage of how in other parts of the world many children and families were living an underprivileged life.
Nello felt called to do something to make a profound difference to these precious lives and founded Hopes and Dreams in 2008.
Knowing he couldn’t take this on by himself he established key partnerships with like-minded people both in Australia and throughout Africa and Asia. Nello is CEO of Hope and Dreams. 
Photo taken from website:


  • Abiola Akinbiyi, CEO Changepreneurs for our International Women’s Day – Tuesday 4 March at Kooyong
  • Katrina Flinn, World of Difference Social Impact Tour of Cambodia – Tuesday 18 March at Kooyong
  • Awarding our Annual Service to Senior’s Award with CEO Senior’s Rights Vic. & COTA – Ben Rogers as Guest Speaker – 1 April at Kooyong
  • Special guest presenter, Michael Headberry at our ANZAC theme meeting at Kooyong
More fun and enjoyment:
  • Our Changeover Dinner will be a “not to miss” event when we celebrate Ian Bentley as our President 2025-26.
  • A visit to the Bionics Institute in August.
  • Our much anticipated adventures at Beechworth/Milawa 18-20 November.
Note: Need to book accomodation immediately for this trip.


Who Am I?  Email or message David Pisterman ( with your answer to this month’s Quiz. A prize is waiting for the winner at our lunch meeting 18 February.
Clue 1:  I am sure to have a kilt!
Clue 2: I had a little friend called 'Clarice'!

MESSAGE from Rory Vidal – Our donation of $1,000

'On behalf of Rory, I would like to inform you that the sporting equipment has arrived in Dili, Timor-Leste. Rory is now conversing with the RYLA alumni about how best to distribute the equipment.'  By Leigh Vidal on behalf of Rory.
A report by Rory will be provided in the near future.


Photos of travels, funny pics, member stories – Please members. I know you will have pics and stories from your Christmas holidays  – share them with us via Member Contributions.  
Please note: If you would like some help with a Club project or event, you can post a notice in The Week Ahead and the Bulletin.


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