Owner: Sheridan Brown
A Community project is not only bringing newly cultivated plants to the region, but also giving one man a chance to get back on his feet. Having spent more than 30 years battling a drug addiction and clinical depression, Servants Community Housing resident Paul Beagley is putting his green thumb to work by selling plants throughout Boroondara. And now, with the help of the Rotary Club of Hawthorn, he and fellow Servants residents have two new greenhouses to grow plants all year round. The club has raised about $6500 for the construction of the greenhouses, while its volunteers provided time and resources to get the project up and running. Full story at http://www.heraldsun.com.au/leader/inner-east/servants-community-housing-and-rotary-club-of-hawthorn-team-up-to-help-vulnerable-locals/story-fngnvlpt-1227566113902
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